Monday, November 23, 2009


OK, so you may be wondering what is this weird color combination thing. Well, this is the first step of how Ganymede and all the other rock planets were made, and how they got so big. Well it was not as big as it was before, first it was really small and it got big, but what, and how? So, first there was a huge cloud of dust and gas called a nebuls, but over time as the big clouds cool, the atoms start to slow down and clump together. But from there it just gets bigger, now, big clumps called planetesimals start to bump into each other and get even bigger. Finally there will be a big clump, that clump will have lots of gravity and will pull in more little debris and clear out everything, that's called protoplanet. This is where Jupiter comes in, it, being hundreds of times bigger than Ganymede, pickes it up in it's orbit and Ganymede becomes it's moon. For the earth which formed simaler, it continues to pick up objects and collides with things. It would get bigger and takes control of our moon and all of the other junk in space around it.
So you see the formations of planets start with just a big cloud of stuff and ends up sticking together and making huge bodies including the one we call home =]

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